The movie follows Cooper Adams, a seemingly ordinary firefighter and loving father, as he takes his daughter Riley to a pop concert. However, he harbors a deadly secret—Cooper is actually the serial killer known as "the Butcher," and the FBI has orchestrated a trap to catch him at the event. Chaos unfolds as Cooper tries to navigate his way out of the venue while being pursued by an FBI profiler, Dr. Josephine Grant (Hayley Mills), who has carefully studied his every move. The film teases a gripping climax, blending moments of action, psychological horror, and family drama. The plot takes a darker turn when Lady Raven (Saleka Night Shyamalan), the pop star performing at the concert, becomes aware of Cooper's identity. With Cooper threatening her life, she must use her fame and intelligence to try and outmaneuver him, leading to a high-stakes finale that could set the stage for a sequel.
Trap is a 2024 American psychological thriller directed, written, and produced by the ever-unpredictable M. Night Shyamalan. Starring Josh Hartnett, Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Night Shyamalan, Hayley Mills, and Alison Pill, the film follows the story of a serial killer attending a pop concert with his daughter while evading an FBI manhunt. The gripping tension builds as the killer, Cooper Adams (Hartnett), tries to balance his double life as a devoted father and cold-blooded murderer.
The film premiered in New York City on July 24, 2024, and was released theatrically in the U.S. on August 2, 2024, by Warner Bros. Pictures. With a production budget of $30 million, Trap grossed $82.4 million worldwide and garnered mixed reviews from critics, some praising its tension and others finding fault in its implausible twists.
The movie follows Cooper Adams, a seemingly ordinary firefighter and loving father, as he takes his daughter Riley to a pop concert. However, he harbors a deadly secret—Cooper is actually the serial killer known as "the Butcher," and the FBI has orchestrated a trap to catch him at the event. Chaos unfolds as Cooper tries to navigate his way out of the venue while being pursued by an FBI profiler, Dr. Josephine Grant (Hayley Mills), who has carefully studied his every move. The film teases a gripping climax, blending moments of action, psychological horror, and family drama.
The plot takes a darker turn when Lady Raven (Saleka Night Shyamalan), the pop star performing at the concert, becomes aware of Cooper's identity. With Cooper threatening her life, she must use her fame and intelligence to try and outmaneuver him, leading to a high-stakes finale that could set the stage for a sequel.
Inspired by conversations with his daughter Saleka, M. Night Shyamalan combined elements of a thriller and a concert setting to create Trap. The film was shot in Hamilton, Ontario, with concert scenes featuring live performances and thousands of extras. The concert itself is an integral part of the story, with Saleka performing original songs that align with the film’s narrative.
Shyamalan’s vision for Trap was to blend horror with music, drawing inspiration from classics like Purple Rain and real-life events like Operation Flagship, a 1985 FBI sting operation. The film's music plays a crucial role in the storytelling, creating an immersive experience for viewers.
Trap premiered in theaters on August 2, 2024, and is now available for home viewing. Here’s how you can catch this chilling thriller:
Stay tuned for more updates on where to stream Trap and enjoy this psychological thriller at your convenience.
1. What is Trap (2024) about?
Trap is a psychological thriller about a serial killer named Cooper Adams, who takes his daughter to a concert while secretly trying to evade a police manhunt. Things spiral out of control as Cooper navigates a dangerous game of deception while being pursued by the FBI.
2. Who stars in Trap (2024)?
The film stars Josh Hartnett as Cooper Adams, with Ariel Donoghue, Saleka Night Shyamalan, Hayley Mills, and Alison Pill playing key roles.
3. Who directed Trap (2024)?
The film was directed by M. Night Shyamalan, known for his mind-bending thrillers like The Sixth Sense and Split.
4. What was the inspiration behind Trap?
Shyamalan’s inspiration for Trap came from his conversations with his daughter, singer-songwriter Saleka. Together, they envisioned a film combining a concert experience with a tense psychological thriller.
5. What makes Trap different from other Shyamalan films?
Trap stands out due to its music-driven storyline, with live concert performances playing a central role in the plot. It blends psychological tension with musical elements, a unique departure from Shyamalan's traditional supernatural thrillers.
6. What role does music play in the film?
Music plays a significant part in Trap. Saleka, who stars as pop sensation Lady Raven, composed 14 original songs that align with key moments in the film. The concert setting is integral to the suspense.
7. Where was Trap filmed?
Principal photography took place in Hamilton, Ontario, with key scenes filmed at the FirstOntario Centre, which served as the concert venue in the movie.
8. Is Trap based on a true story?
No, Trap is not based on a true story. However, Shyamalan took inspiration from real-life events, such as Operation Flagship, a 1985 sting operation used by law enforcement to catch fugitives.
9. What is the release date of Trap?
Trap premiered on August 2, 2024, in U.S. theaters. It became available for digital purchase on August 30, 2024, and will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on November 5, 2024.
10. Will Trap be available on streaming platforms?
Yes, Trap will begin streaming on Max starting October 25, 2024. It may become available on other international platforms later on.
11. How did critics react to Trap?
The film received mixed reviews, with a 57% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. Critics praised Josh Hartnett’s performance but had divided opinions on Shyamalan's storytelling approach.
12. Why did M. Night Shyamalan choose to direct Trap himself?
Shyamalan originally planned to let another filmmaker direct, but after realizing the personal connection he had with the project through his collaboration with his daughter, he decided to take the helm himself.
13. Who are some of the key supporting characters in Trap?
Ariel Donoghue plays Cooper's daughter Riley, and Saleka portrays Lady Raven, the pop star whose concert becomes central to the plot. Hayley Mills stars as the FBI profiler tracking down Cooper.
14. What inspired Shyamalan’s collaboration with his daughter Saleka?
Shyamalan wanted to create a unique film that would merge music with psychological thrills, and his daughter Saleka’s experience as a musician helped shape the film’s musical elements. Saleka’s role as Lady Raven ties into the film’s core plot.
15. What can viewers expect from Trap's ending?
The ending leaves room for interpretation, with Cooper seemingly caught but hinting at a potential escape in a sequel. The final scene shows him picking his cuffs with a bicycle spoke, leaving the audience wondering about his future.